1. History
The present sultanate traces its origins to Sultan Muzaffar Shah, the eldest son of the last Sultan of Malacca. Because of its rich tin deposits, Perak constantly faced outside threats to its sovereignty. The state was first ravaged by the Achinese in the 16th century. After 1641, the Dutch attempt to established a monopoly over Perak’s tin trade by building forts on Pangkor Island and at the mouth of Perak River, but without great success. In the 18th century, Perak was threatened by the Bugis in the South and the Thai in the north. The state was saved from the Thai domination with British assistance in the 1820s.
The growing importance of tin on the world market led to an influx of Chinese miners into the rich tin fields of Larut. This development however, destablized the traditional Malay policy in the Perak River Valley. In the 1870s the state was torn by a succession dispute to the throne and war in Larut between fueding Chinese tin miners. This led to the British intervention in 1874 when they impose the Pangkor Engagement on the Perak chiefs and took control of the state.
Constant apposition from the Perak Chiefs resulted in the assassination of the first British Resident and brief war. The state later became a model for the development of British ‘residential system’ and in 1896 became one the four Malay states forming the federated Malay States.
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2. Physical Geography
Perak District
Covers an area of 21,000 sq km. Negeri ini disempadani oleh negeri Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Kelantan di utara. Kelantan dan pahang di timur dan Selangor di selatan. Sebelah baratnya mengadap Selat Melaka. Perak divided into 9 district iaitu Batang Padang, Manjung (Dinding), Kinta, Kerian, Kuala Kangsar, Larut & Matang, Hilir Perak, Ulu Perak dan Perak Tengah. Equatorial conditions (wet and dry seasons) 21C to 32C with cooler temperatures in the many hill resorts. April, May and October are wet months.
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3. Introduction
Perak Darul Ridzuan, the “Land of Grace”, has a population of about two milion. Perak has just about everything for everyone. Perak is rich in history, culture, folklore and heritage. Perak is a state of ageless architectural splendours, island resorts that offer sun, sea and sand, virgin tropical jungles, beautiful holiday hideways, natural recreational parks and host of specialized museums. The state is divided into nine districts and its major towns include Ipoh, Kuala Kangsar, Taiping, Teluk Intan and Lumut. Kuala Kangsar is the royal town of Perak, while Ipoh is the administrative centre and state capital. Ipoh still relatively free from smog and the snarls of traffic jam, Ipoh is unofficially divided into old town and new town by the Kinta River. Old town contains most of Ipoh’s colonial buildings. For Centuries, Perak was renowned for its rich tin deposits. It is believed that the state derived its name, which means silver in Malay, from the silvery tin ore. The discovery of tin by Long Jaafar brought about an influx of immigrants to Perak. Today, Perak has developed into a harmonious multi-racial society characterised by a diversity of language, culture and heritage.
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4. Economy

Perak has proud track record of making the best of every circumstances. Despite the tin slump in 1983, it has succeeded in restructuring its economic development, resulting in continuous industrial growth. A sound infrastructure and facilities of international standard make it an ideal environment for business enterprise. Over the years, Perak’s economic policy coupled with active involment by the private sector has made her economy very stable. She has an abundance of natural resources such as tin, timber and others. In addition, Perak has an efficient multi-lingual labour force, ample industrial land and adequate infrastructure along prudent economic planning and generous incentives for investors. Originally an obscure kampung with dilapidated buildings, Ipoh, the town that tin built, has become one of the largest cities in Malaysian. Poised to become a focal point of industry, business, investment, education and social activities, Ipoh reflects the overall progress and development that the state is experiencing.
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5. Cultural Heritage
Traditional elegance in the form of exquisite handicraft is still available in certain areas of Perak which helps to preserve the cultural heritage of Malaysia. Tekatan or Tuji Timbul (embroidery in raised relief) is one of them. This is the traditional art of gold and silver embroidery, said to have possible Indian and Chinese influence. It is carried out mainly by women, and involves the looming of sparkling gold or silver thread onto attractive pieces of velvet. Tekatan is used by royalty to make bed firnishing and is also popular as bridal fans, cushions and shoes. It is also used to decorated the bridal stand at a Malay wedding.
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6. Transportation
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7. Road
Perak is also well-connected through the North-South and East-West Highways to many destinations in Penin sular Malaysia. Perak is one of the important gateways to many places of interest in other states oh peninsular Malaysia. Ipoh is only 205 km from Kuala Lumpur and 165 km from Penang. Road links to the rest of Peninsular Malaysia, moving on to major towns and destinations do not pose a major problem to travellers.
Malaysia Airlines operates domestic daily flights to/ from Ipoh at Sultan Azlan Shah Airport. Besides MAS, Pelangi Air has regular flight services from Kuala Lumpur and Singapore to Setiawan and Pangkor Island.
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9. Trains
Express trains ply along the Kuala Lumpur-Ipoh-Butterworth route. Thera are six
trains daily, including two express train, in both directions.
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10. Buses
Bus services to Medan Kidd in Ipoh are from Kuala Lumpur and Butterworth. There are buses that ply to towns. Different bus companies have different routes.
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11. Taxis
For travelling within Ipoh, one can ride in taxis. Inter-town taxis are easily available at Medan Kidd in Ipoh. The taxis are theoretically run on metres and have been since March 1988. There are shared taxis that go outside Ipoh City. The travellers can also hire the whole taxi. Inter-town taxis normally leave for their destinations only when they have four passengers, unless the traveller is willing to pay the extra fare.
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12. Places to Eat/ Special Foods
Perak is truly a gourmet’s paradise. The many different ethnic groups that make up Perak’s cosmopolitan population have also contributed gastronomically to yield a seemingly endless range of delicious and appetizing cuisine. The popular eating spots can be found in all major towns of Perak such as ipoh, Kuala Kangsar, lumut, Teluk Intan. Ipoh is famous in Chinese foods such as Sar Hor Fun, Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun, Char Kuey Teow and Bean Sprouts chicken. Chinese hawker food can be partaken at the fan-ventiled food court in Jalan Clarke opposite the Excelsior Hotel, Wooley Food Centre in Ipoh Garden and Old Town Food Centre at Jalan Leech. Malay food such as nasi campur boleh didapati kebanyakan Malay restaurant atau penjaja. Nasi Kandar (Indian food) restaurant can be found at Jalan Yang Kalsom, facing the Tanjung Rambutan bus station, around the Cathay and Lido cinemas are numerous restaurants. Famous edible products of Ipoh are Menglembu groundnuts, Kampar chicken Biscuits and Chart Tai (Bean Curd Sticks)
A trip to Perak isn’t complete without a taste of pomelos and seedless citrus fruits usually the size of a soccer ball, and are grown exclusively in the state. Other succulent fruits include seasonal rambutan, mangosteens, mangoes and durians.
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13. Places of Interest
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14. Sam Poh Tong

Within the huge limestone caves of Gunung Tasek (Tasek Mount), 6 km to the north of Ipoh, nestles the Perak Tong temple. Built in 1926 by a Buddhist priest from China, the temple houses over 40 Buddha. The Perak Tong Temple has 12.8 metre-tall laughing Buddha In the centre of the hall. Next to it is an altar for kuan Yin (the goddess of Mercy), Maitreya (the Future Buddha), Vairochana and others. Beyond the main altar, a passage leads into the cave ‘interior. After a steep climb of 385 steps, the cave opens again to reveal a wonderful view of the surroundings countryside. Another famous cave temple is the Sam Poh Tong temple, located in Gunung Rapat (Rapat Mount), 5 km south of Ipoh. The temple is an impressive work of art and faith, with various statues of Buddha among natural stalactites and stalagmites. There is also a pond where visitors can feed tortoise, (symbol of longevity) with stalks of vegetables and a wishing well for those seeking better fortunes. Outside the temple is a vegetarian restaurant.
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15. Kellie’s Castle
About 30 minutes drive from Ipoh, it is believed that Kellie’s Castle has hidden rooms and a secret tunnel. The road which leads to the castle follows the contours of the land in a dizzying, maze-like fashion, adding to the mystery and romance of the place. It was built by a scottish plantation tycoon, William Kellie Smith during the late 19th century. The castle was never completed as Smith left for England and never returned. During the Japanese occupation, the cellars of the castle were supposedly used by the Japanese for torture chambers.
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16. Teluk Intan Leaning Tower
The pride of Teluk Intan, 84 km from Ipoh, is its spectacular Leaning Tower. Reminiscent of the Leaning Tower of Pisa this Pagoda-like structure was built in 1885 by a Chinese contractor, Leong Choon Choong. The dominating 25.5 m tower was once used for water storage. One can reach Teluk intan by private cars, taxis or buses from major towns.
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17. Kota Belanda (Dutch Fort)
At Teluk Gedung lies the 300-year-old stone foundation of a Dutch Fort Built in 1670, it was one of the Dutch strongholds against pirates and local Malays. The fort was abandoned after it was attacked by a local warrior, Panglima Kulub, and his followers. Muzium Negara undertook its reconstruction in 1973.
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18. Pasir Salak Historical Complex
Time seems to stand still in this little village beside a slow river. Pasir Salak is well-known for its ancient Malay architecture and craft. Every wooden house is decorated with intricate traditional designs and nature inspired motifs. Here, too, stands the memorial dedicated to the historical incident in which the first British Resident in Perak, J.W.W. Birch (the first British resident of perak) was slain by the late Maharaja Lela, Dato’ Sagor and Si Puntum. There are also two ‘Kutai House’ (Perak traditional house) inside the complex. A reconstructed 120-year old Rumah Kutai houses Perak artifacts. These houses would display various local historical and Malay culture artifacts. The grave of J.W.W. Birch is located on Pulau Besar, South of Kampung Gajah.
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19. Ipoh Railway Station
The Ipoh Railway Station bears close resemblance to its Kuala Lumpur counterpart and is affectionately known to locals as the Taj Mahal of Ipoh. An impressive landmark which combines Moorish architecture with modern embellishment, it is surrounded by a beatiful floral garden which serves as a charming welcome for tourist.
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20. Ubudiah Mosque
Located at Bukit Chandran, Kuala Kangsar. The Ubudiah Mosque is reputed to be one of the most beautiful mosques in the country and a symbol of pride and faith for all muslims in Perak. The mosque’s magnificent golden dome and minarets are testaments to the beauty of Islamic architecture. The construction of the mosque began in the reign of Sultan Idris Murshidul Adzam Shah 1, the 28th Sultan of Perak. The mosque was officially opened by Sultan Jalil Karamatullah Shah in 1917.
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21. DBI Swimming Complex
The Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh Swimming Complex is the largest and most modern complex of its kind in South-East Asia and boasts on Olympic-size pool, a diving pool, a beginners’ pool, a children’s pool – and the first ever wave pool in Malaysia. The complex is part of the Perak Sports Complex which also houses a stadium with a velodrome and astroturf field. Entrance fee: (weekdays – [adults –RM1.00/ Child – RM0.50 ] weekend/ Public Holidays – [ adults-RM2.00/ Child-RM1.00 ] - subject to price changes
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22. The First Rubber Tree
The first rubber tree was planted in 1877 near the Kuala Kangsar District Office. It was the only tree that survive, out of the nine that was planted. The rubber seeds were brought over to Singapore, then to Kuala Kangsar, from the Kew Garden in London by H.. Ridley. He was responsible for turning Kuala Kangsar into first rubber industry district and finally, making rubber as an important source of income for Malaysia.
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23. Perak Museum, Taiping
Built in 1883, the Perak Museum is the oldest museum in the country. It houses an impressive collection of ancient weapons, aboriginal implements, ornaments and archaeological treasures. Also on display are artifacts from Perak’s rich historical culture and heritage. An excellent place to begin an in-depth study of the state and its past achievements. Open: 9.30 am- 5 pm. Admission: Free.
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24. Geological Museum
Established in 1957, the Geological Museum at Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah in Ipoh houses a collection of over 600 samples of minerals, classified according to chemical content and structure. The museum is well known for its exhibition of tin ore, including the best specimen of cassiterite in the world. There is also an impressive collection of fossils, precious stones and roch specimen.
Open: 8am-4.15 (Monday – Friday), 8am-12.45 pm (Saturday)
Admission: free
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25. Darul Ridzuan Museum
It is located at Jalan Panglima Bukit Gantang Wahab, Ipoh and was officially open to the public in 1992. Among the interesting artifacts on show are the history and development of Ipoh and the mining and forestry industry of Perak. Built more than a hundred years ago and it has a colourful history. Among others it has been home to the Malay Chieftains of Kinta and the British rules.
Open: 9am-5pm (Mondy-Sunday), half day on Thursday
Closed: Friday
Admission: free
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26. Royal Museum
Previously known as Istana Kenangan, Istana Tepas and Istana Lembah, the Perak Royal Museum is an amazing achievment in architecture. It was built without any architectural plans and without using a single nail. Situated near the Istana Iskandariah, the Sultan of Perak’s official palace at Kuala Kangsar.
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27. Natural Attractions
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28. Lata Iskandar Waterfalls
The Lata Iskandar Waterfalls, on the way up to Cameron Highlands from Tapah, is an ideal picnic area and fovourite stpover. Its surrounding jungle is home to one of the largest variety of exotic insect and plant life in the world. Traditional earthenware pottery is crafted at Kampung Kerayung.
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29. Sungkai Deer Farm
Situated in Manderang, Sungkai, about 82 km from Ipoh, this deer farm is only one of its kind in the country. Established in 1978, there are approximately 100 deer roaming freely on this 100-hectare breeding and conservation project site. There is also an exotic bird sanctuary nearby. Please contact the Dept. of Wildlife and National Parks at Sungkai for more information. Tel: 05-527 3411
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30. Kuala Gula Bird Sanctuary
Kuala Gula is famous for the variety of exotic birds which come here to nest. Over 100 species of birds, some of them protected, have been sighted in this area. Mammals can also be seen here, among them the smooth otter, dusky leaf monkey, long-tailed macaque and the ridge-back dolphin. The best time to visit is between September and December, when thousands of birds can be seen in the area.
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31. Banding Resort
The Banding Resort, 35 km from Grik, is the ideal place for fishing enthusiast and those who really want to get away from it all. This remote resort covers 103.6 hectares next to the Temenggor lake at the mid-point of the East-West highway. The lake delivers fish of generous proportions and there is ample apportunity for trekking, camping and picnicking. At present, there is a modern restaurant and resthouse which provides comfortable accomodation. Plans are underway for eapansion and improvement of the existing facilities.
More information: 011-329027
For reservations: 03-2423697 (Kuala Lumpur), 05-6835495 (Lumut), 05-6991100 (Pulau Pangkor).
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32. Tambun Hot Spring
A 15-minutes drive from Ipoh towards Tanjung Rambutan brings you to the foot of limestone hill where a rejuvenating experience awaits you-an in-vigorating hot bath from a natural spring. The bath is open dailh from 3 pm to 12 midnight. The facilities include saunas and rstrooms Entrance fee is RM5.00. Other hot spring in Perak are at Sungkai, Pengkalan Hulu, Kampung Ulu Slim in Slim River, Kampung Air Panas in Grik and Manong in Kuala Kangsar.
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33. Kuala Woh Jungle Park
Situated about 13 km from Tapah, on the way to Cameron Highlands, Kuala Who presents a natural backdrop for fun-seekers to swim, picnic and fish. Interesting features include the natural hot-water pool, various waterfalls and Tebing Merbau. Orang asli, or aborigines, live in this area, according to their traditional way of life. They are friendly but shy by nature. Besides Lata Iskandar and Kuala Who, there are two other waterfalls sites which are quite popular: the Ulu Kinta Waterfalls, 16 km from Ipoh, and Batu Hampar near Taiping.
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34. Lata Kinjang
Located about 18 km from Tapah. The main attraction at this waterfall is the impressive series of cascades winding down a 100-metre drop. There are parking bays and eating stalls for picnikers. Visitors may a;so visit an orchid garden and a bamboo park.
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35. Gua Tempurung (Tempurung Cave)
Believed to have existed since 8000 B.C., Gua Tempurung is probably the largest natural limestone cave in Malaysia. Situated about 24 km fron Ipoh, the cave stretches for 1.5 km and is made up of five hugh domes whose ceilings resemble coconut shells. Each dome has different formations of stalagmites and stalacties as well as differing temperature, water levels, content of limestone and marble.
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36. Bukit Larut (Maxwell Hill)
Malaysia’s oldest hill resort is located on Bukit Larut (formely called Maxwell Hill), it is accessible only by four-wheel drive vehicles. The road up twists and turns through tropical virgin jungle, the fresh green fragrance and cool air greeting you as you ascend. At the summit you a treated to a spectacular view of the west coast of the peninsular.
Visitors can either stay at the Bukit Larut Rest House or by making reservation through the superintendent of Bukit Larut, Taiping. Tel: 05-827243/ 827241. A Land Rover service at the foot of the hill is available at hourly intervals from 7 am to 6 pm daily. Fares are RM2.50 (adults) and RM1.00 (children).
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37. Taiping Lake Gardens
This 62-hectare park is one of the biggest and most beautiful parks in the country. It offers lush greenery, a beautiful lake abounding with freshwater fish, a gazebo and a colourful profusion of flowers. The Taiping Zoo, probably the oldest zoo in the country, is anpther attraction located within the Gardens. Open: 8.30 am – 6.30 pm daily. Fares are: RM3.00 (adults), RM1.50 (children), RM1.00 (secondary student with uniform), RM0.50 (primary student with uniform). Other facilities available at the Gardens include a rest house, fishing and aquabiking in the area.
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38. Dr. Seenivasagam Park
The fresh atmosphere and variety of flora are the main attractions of this park in Ipoh. Children can enjoy several recreational and amusement facilities such as the roller-skating rink, a playground and a mini-train course.
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39. The Terrapin Breeding Project
A breeding farm for ‘Tuntung’ (river terrapins or Bataqur baska) is located at Bota Kanan, about 40 km from Ipoh. Opened in 1967 by the State’s Dept. of Wildlife and National Parks, the primary aim of this project is the conservation of this species. To date the hatchery at Bota Kanan has realeased more than 25,000 hatchings into the Perak river. Between November and March, visitors can witness migrating river terrapins laying eggs in the wilds.
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40. Perak Turf Club
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41. Islands
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42. Pangkor Island
The most popular island resort in Perak, Pangkor welcomes visitors with its serene, golden beaches, crystalline blue water and cool, refreshing breezes. Located about 90 km south-west of Ipoh, it is largely inhabited by fisherfolk. They live in scattered fishing settlements along the coast especially on the eastern side, facing the town of Lumut and Teluk Batik, and their catch comprises mainly cuttle-fish and anchovy. It takes 40 minutes by ferry from Lumut to Pangkor Island. The fares is RM4.00. The modern facilities make it an ideal gateway. A wide range of sun and sea activities are available: scuba diving, wind-surfing, fishing, snorkeling. The following are the main attractions on the island.
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43. -Pantai Puteri Dewi (Golden Sands)
This beautiful beach paradise was named Pantai Puteri Dewi (literally, Beach of the Lovely Princess). Pan Pacific Resort Pangkor (05-6851399) along this stretch of beach offers elegant accommodation with 161 rooms, a sports hall, a golf course, convention rooms, and facilities for snorkeling and windsurfing.
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44. -Pasir Bogak
Here, the shallow crystal-clear waters enables you to frolic in the water along the vast coral reef. Accommodation ranges from hotels, government resthouse to budget-wise attap huts.
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45. -Kota Belanda (Dutch Fort)
At Teluk Gedung lies the 300-year-old stone foundation of a Dutch Fort Built in 1670, it was one of the Dutch strongholds against pirates and local Malays. The fort was abandoned after it was attacked by a local warrior, Panglima Kulub, and his followers. Muzium Negara undertook its reconstruction in 1973.
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46. Pangkor Laut
Affectionately known as Fantasy Island, Pangkor Laur Resort is every tourist’s dream come true, from the moment pretty maidens welcomes him with garlands and warm genius smiles. The resort offers international standard chalet-type accommodation with facilities for recreation, sea-sports, complete with gym and disco. For reservations, call 03-2423697 (Kuala Lumpur), 05-6835495 (Lumut), 05-6991100 (Pulau Pangkor).
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47. Shopping
There are many modern shopping centres and supermarkets in Perak, especially in Ipoh and the major towns. Other places where you can pick up good bargains are at the pasar malam or night markets. These are street bazaars that stock everything from local handicrafts to folk medicine, from farm-fresh produce to casual wear.
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48. Handicraft
traditional handicraft is a prominent cottage industry in Perak and is predominantly found in Kuala Kangsar. There are many handicraft centres which sell local crafts such as labu sayong (earthenware), tekat benang emas (gold embroidery), bamboo carvings and seashell designs. The most popular centres are at Enggor, Kampung Berala, Kampung Padang Changkat and Kampung Kepala Bendang. However, you will be able to find well-stocked handicraft centres along every route you travel.
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49. Local Fruits
A trip to Perak isn’t complete without a taste of pomelos and seedless guavas. Pomelos are seedless citrus fruits usually the size of a soccer ball, and are grown exclusively in the state. Other succulent fruits include seasonal rambutan, mangosteens, mangoes and durians.
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50. Pasar Malam (night market)
Pasar malam is potpourri of sights and sounds, making it a fascinating experience of a truly Malaysian identity. Comprising makeshift stalls which stock anything from folk medicine and fresh fruits to household utensils and fashionwear, these night bazaars are treat for the sense and a paradise for bargain hunters.51. Beaches
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52. Teluk Batik (Batik Bay)
About 6.5 km from Lumut lies Teluk Batik, a favourite spot for campers, picnickers, swimmers and sun-lovers. The streches of white sandy beach are ideal for whatever activity of inactivity you have in mind. You can rent rooms and chalets along the beach at bargain prices. For reservation, Tel: 05-683 5554.
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53. Pantai Puteri Dewi (Golden sands)
This beautiful beach paradise was named Pantai Puteri Dewi (literally, Beach of the Lovely Princess). Pan Pacific Resort Pangkor (05-6851399) along this stretch of beach offers elegant accommodation with 161 rooms, a sports hall, a golf course, convention rooms, and facilities for snorkeling and windsurfing.
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54. Pasir Bogak (Bogak Sands)
Here, the shallow crystal-clear waters enables you to frolic in the water along the vast coral reef. Accommodation ranges from hotels, government resthouse to budget-wise attap huts.
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55. Hotels (Divided by District)
(Ipoh)Dragon & Phoenix Hotel
Tel: 05-2534661
Fax: 05-2535096
Eastern Hotel (2 star)
Tel: 05-2543936
Fax: 05-2551465
Excelsior Hotel (3 star)
Tel: 05-536666
Fax: 2536912
Fairmont Hotel (2 star)
Tel: 05-2559999
Fax: 05-2556352
French Hotel (2 star)
Tel: 05-2533111
Fax: 05-2552975
Heritage Hotel
Tel: 05-2428888
Fax: 05-2415299
Hillcity Hotel & Condo
Tel: 05-3135555
Fax: 05-3129355
Hotel Fair Park
Tel: 05-5488666
Fax: 05-5484859
Hotel Seri Malaysia
Tel: 05-2412936
Fax: 05-2412946
Lotte Hotel ( 2 star)
Tel: 05-2542215
Fax: 05-2551160
Mikado Hotel (1 star)
Tel: 05-2555855
Regalodge (3 star)
Tel: 05-2425555
Fax: 05-2411555
Ritz Garden Hotel ( 2 star)
Tel: 05-2547777
Fax: 05-2545222
Ritz Kowloon Hotel
Tel: 05-2547778
Fax: 05-2533800
Robin Hotel ( 2 star)
Tel: 05-2421888
Fax: 05-2541818
Tambun Inn
Tel: 05-5477211
Fax: 05-5467887
The Casuarina Parkroyal
Tel: 05-2555555
Fax: 05-2558177
The Majestic Station Hotel
Tel: 05-2555605
Fax: 05-2553393
The Syuen
Tel: 05-2538889
Fax: 05-2533335
YMCA of Ipoh ( 1 star)
Tel: 05-2540809
(Teluk Intan)
Angsoka Hotel ( 1 star)
Tel: 05-6223755
Fax: 05-6216399
Anson Hotel
Tel: 05-6226166
Fax: 05-6226168
(Kuala Kangsar)
Rumah Rehat Seri Temenggong
Tel: 05-7763872
Fax: 05-7768285
Kem Hentian Sayung
Tel: 05-7769717
(Pengkalan Hulu)
Chalet Sri Tasik
Tel: 05-4778404
Rumah Rehat Kerajaan
Tel: 05-4778404
Lagenda Hotel
Tel: 05-8053333
Fax: 05-8053355
Legend Inn (3 star)
Tel: 05-8060000
Fax: 05-8066666
Meridien Hotel ( 1 star)
Tel: 05-8081133
Fax: 05-8075251
Panorama Hotel ( 2 star)
Tel: 05-8084111
Fax: 05-8084129
Rumah Rehat Bukit Larut
Tel: 05-8077241
Seri Malaysia Taiping
Tel: 05- 8069502
Fax: 05- 8069495
Banding Island Resort
Tel: 05-7912273
Fax: 05-7911362
Rumah Rehat Kerajaan Gerik
Tel: 05-7911454
Fax: 05-7912288
Rumah Rehat Tapah
Tel: 05- 4011190
Timuran Hotel
Tel: 05-4011092
(Parit Buntar)
Hotel damai
Tel: 05-7168222
Fax: 05-7163222
Pekan baru Hotel
Tel: 05-7162397
Rumah Rehat Kerajaan
Tel: 05-7167290
Fax: 05-7167308
Rumah Rehat Kerian
Tel: 05-7763872
Blue Bay Resort (3 star)
Tel: 05-6836939
Fax: 05-6836239
D’Puncak Villa
Tel: 05-6838281
Fax: 05-6838386
Hotel Manjung Permai
Tel: 05-6834934
Fax: 05-6834937
Lumut Country Resort
Tel: 05-6835982
Fax: 05-6835396
Lumut Villa Inn ( 1 star)
Tel: 05-6835982
Fax: 05-6723802
Swiss-Garden Resort
Tel: 05-6838333
Fax: 05-6838158
Teluk Batik Chalet
Tel: 05-6835809
The Orient Star Resort Lumut
Tel: 05-6834199
Fax: 05-6834223
(Pangkor Island)
Beach hut Hotel
Tel: 05-6853426
Fax: 05-6851159
Khoo Holiday Resort ( 1 star)
Tel: 05-6851164
Fax: 05-6851164
Lambaian Beach Resort
Tel: 05-6854020
Fax: 05-6854022
Min Lian Hotel
Tel: 05-6854020
Mizam Country Club Resort
Tel: 05-6853359
Fax: 05-6853359
The Pan Pacific Resort
Tel: 05-6851091
Fax: 05-6851852
Pangkor Bayview Beach Resort
Tel: 05-6853540
Fax: 05-6853540
Pangkor Coral Bay Resort S/B
Tel: 05-6855111
Fax: 05-6855666
Pangkor Holiday Resort
Tel: 05-6853626
Fax: 05-6853627
Pangkor Laut Resort
Tel: 05-6991100
Fax: 05-6991200
Pangkor Paradise Village ( 1 star)
Tel: 05-6851496
Fax: 05-6853787
Seagull Beach Resort
Tel: 05-6852878
Fax: 05-6852857
Seaview Hotel & Holiday Resort
(2 star)
Tel: 05-6851605
Fax: 05-6851970
Sri Bayu Beach Resort
Tel: 05-6851929
Fax: 05-6851050
Teluk Dalam Resort
Tel: 05-6855000
Fax: 05-6854000
Rumah Rehat Cempaka Sari
Tel: 05-3771311
Rumah Rehat Kerajaan
Tel: 05-8394318
(Salak Utara)
Sukarno House Bed & Breakfast
Tel: 05-7576386
Oriental Hotel
Tel: 05-4651288
(Seri Manjung)
Teluk Rubiah Beach Resort
Tel: 05-5014000
Fax: 05-5014001
Mandarin Hotel
Tel: 05-6912104
(Pantai Remis)
Pacific Hotel
Tel: 05-341058
Kabin Chalet Lembayung Sukma
Tel: 05-6367759
Fax: 05-3677683
(Semanggol)Bukit Merah Laketown Resort
Tel: 05-8978888
Fax: 05-8973168
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56. Golf Clubs, Courses & Associations
Golfing in Perak has been a boom in recent years with the rapid development of golf resorts. Visitors are also having it good as many exclusive golf clubs have relaxed their regulations, allowing travellers easy acces to the green. Perak is now becoming an attractive golfing destination with her numerous international class golf courses, diverse settings and some of the most challenging courses in this part of the world.
Bukit Jana Golf & Country Club
Tel: 05-8837500
Clear Water Sanctuary Golf Resort Bhd.
Tel: 05-255 3548
Damai Laut golf & Country Club Lumut
Tel: 05-618 3333
Idris Shah Golf Club
Tel: 05-622 2178
Kelab golf Batang Padang
Tel: 434 2164
Kelab Golf Briged Utara
Tel: 05-533 2222
Kelab golf Kuala Kangsar
Tel: 05-776 2396
Kelab Golf Samudera
Tel: 05-683 5201
Kinta Golf Club
Tel: 05-366 3566
Meru Valley Golf & Country Club
Tel: 05-529 3305
Rimba Raya Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05-312 6603
Royal Perak golf Club
Tel: 05-545 3266
Rural Country Golf Club (KROH)
Tel: 05-477 8262
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57. Perak State Tourism Department
Perak Tourist Information Centre
Jalan Tun Sambathan
30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: 05-2412959/ 2412958
Perak Tourist Association
No.22, Persiaran Medan Bercham 5
Pusat Bandar Baru Bercham
31400 Ipoh, Perak
Tel: 05-5363261
Fax: 05-5363275
State Economic Planning Unit
Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri
30000 Ipoh, Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: 05-2532800
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58. Travel Bureaus
Chan Chee Kheong & Bros. Travel Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 254 1244
Frontier Travel Agency Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05-253 4742
Fulham tours Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 807 3069
Hwa Yik Tour & Travel (Ipoh) Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05-253 7952
Ipoh Golden Dragon Tours sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 255 1150
Ipoh Overland Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 253 5430
Keris ravel & Tour Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 241 7100
Khong Bros. Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 253 4000
Kinta Valley Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 241 8116
Pan Euro-Asia Tours Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05-241 9698
Poh Foong Tours & Travel Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 241 6214
Poly-Travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05- 807 0155
R. A. Jits travel & Tours Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05-253 2344
Trans Asia Pacific Travel & Tours
Sdn. Bhd.
Tel: 05-807 0459